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2007-02-08 [Mortified Penguin]: My school banned Elftown when students started using it to send messages to each other...
...And math books are mainly used for learning. Had Elftown been teaching students things, I'm sure it would have been different...
The only ridiculous thing my school's ever done is ban my MSN stocks... those bastards! ...that was just uncalled for! How am I supposed to check Dow now?!
2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: But Elftown does teach things to students. There are plenty of educational benefits to Elftown.
2007-02-08 [Mortified Penguin]: All I've learned from Elftown is basic HTML... as well as some other useless computer skills...
2007-02-08 [light.]: Yus, but do teachers know that? ;D
Hence if students /show/ them that, Elftown will no longer be banned.
2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: Tons of art tutorials, essays, and writing tutorials.
2007-02-08 [Mortified Penguin]: If students show them that, they will get in trouble for being on a banned website and disrupting class.
2007-02-08 [Mortified Penguin]: Our school administrators know us students too well... we're only here to chat and look at adult material...
2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: Haha, well it was worth a try.
2007-02-08 [light.]: Not all schools are like that though. Basically, Teachers see students on a site that is disrupting their work, (be it educational or not) and they get told to exit it. They keep going on it, it gets banned.
2007-02-08 [light.]: Some teachers/schoo
2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: That's when you give them this stop blocking Elftown
2007-02-08 [light.]: ...That's a very angry letter xD
I was just trying to help reason why elftown is getting blocked in the first place.
2007-02-08 [Mortified Penguin]: "This is done because the school feels that it's very bad for the students to learn how to read and write properly..." Almost everything on Elftown has some form of grammatical error in it...
2007-02-12 [Lousiffer]: its still bullshit, the only thing that should honestly be banned in school is the pron websites other than that, give me a break.... blocking myspace WTF!!!! fuck schools for that!!
2007-02-13 [Remos Page]: well there are some teachers on this site ,
see if they can help out
2007-02-13 [Mortified Penguin]: Teachers aren't the ones banning 'sites...
2007-02-13 [Lothuriel]: But, isn't My Space a porn site?
2007-02-17 [xido]: "2007-02-12 Lousiffer: its still bullshit, the only thing that should honestly be banned in school is the pron websites other than that, give me a break.... blocking myspace WTF!!!! fuck schools for that!!"
Loussifer, Please don't be an asshole! If you feel strongly, choose kinder words to emote those feelings.
2007-02-17 [Lothuriel]: Gah!! Does anyone in Elftown have a sense of humor anymore? I am well aware that MySpace is not a porn site. I am very well aware of its every stinking detail. I also think it is a safe haven for child molestors, kiddie porn, Juvenile delinquents and art thieves. I just didn't feel much like going in to great detail with that statement, redundant question, whatever you choose to call it.
2007-04-19 [xido]: I see.... Well, that is why we need audible posts, so I can catch those wonderful nuances of humor... Though I admit, I missed it. XP
2007-04-19 [Lothuriel]:
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